Gravesend on Amazon Prime

Gravesend is a new series on Amazon Prime centered around the Mafia in the 1980s in Brooklyn, New York. It is written, directed and created by William DeMeo who also stars in the series. Among the other notable stars are Paul Borghese Soprano’s veteran actor Louis Lombardi.

Gravesend is gritty and unapologetic in its far to short season 1. Season 1 has a total of 4 episodes which run between 30 and 45 minutes. Here’s to hoping for a much longer season 2. The series, while short, is extremely well written and acted. The cast assembled is fantastic. A lot of credit to DeMeo for the strength of this show.

If you are a fan of mob shows and films this is a must watch. The ending of season 1 has me ready of a second season now. The upside to a short type season is the ability to tell a story in a strong concise fashion. A show you can binge easily in a day in the same amount of time that you watch a movie. Do yourself a favor and go check. Out Gravesend. You won’t regret it.

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